Saturday Morning with Kim Hill: 16 June 2012 on Radio NZ National

8:15 Florence Williams: breasts
9:05 Dame Carol Kidu: Papua New Guinea
9:45: Paul Baker: Polari
10:05 Playing Favourites with Siouxsie Wiles
11:05 Will Ellsworth-Jones: Banksy
11:45 Children’s Books with Kate De Goldi

8:15 Florence Williams
Florence Williams is a contributing editor at Outside Magazine and a freelance writer for the New York Times, Slate, The New Republic and numerous other publications. Her first book is Breasts: a Natural and Unnatural History (Text Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-92192-264-0).

9:05 Dame Carol Kidu
Dame Carol Kidu, DBE, is an Australian-born Papua New Guinean politician who recently retired from politics after serving as opposition leader in the PNG parliament. She visited New Zealand this week as one of a group of Pacific parliamentarians at a day-long Open Hearing on adolescent sexual and reproductive health in the Pacific.

9:45: Paul Baker
Dr Paul Baker teaches corpus linguistics, at the Department of English Language and Linguistics at Lancaster University, and is an authority on Polari, the secretive, eclectic gay slang of the early 20th century.

10:05 Playing Favourites with Siouxsie Wiles 
Dr Siouxsie Wiles runs the Bioluminescent Superbugs Group at the University of Auckland, with projects revolving around drug discovery for tuberculosis, studying the hospital superbug Staph aureus (MRSA), and understanding the evolution of infectious diseases (for which she recently raised nearly $6000 in crowdsourced funding). She writes the Infectious Thoughts column at SciBlogs, and is one of the presenters of the Completely Unnecessary Skeptical Podcast.

11:05 Will Ellsworth-Jones
British journalist Will Ellsworth-Jones wrote the 2008 book, We Will Not Fight: the Untold Story of WW1's Conscientious Objectors. His new book is Banksy: the Man Behind the Wall (Aurum, 9768-1-78131-034-2), about the reclusive street artist.

11:45 Children’s Books with Kate De Goldi 
New Zealand writer Kate De Goldi is the author of a number of books, including the multi-award winning novel, The 10pm Question. She will discuss two new picture books:

The Fishing Trip, by Beatrice Rodriguez (Gecko Press, ISBN :978-1-877579-24-0); Grandpa Green, by Lane Smith (Roaring Book Press, ISBN: 978-1-59643-607-7); and four classic picture books by Leo Lionni: Inch by Inch (Random House, ISBN: 978-0-688-13283-5); Swimmy (Random House, ISBN: 978-0-394-82620-2); Nicolas, Where Have You Been?(Random House, ISBN: 978-0-375-85549-8); Pezzetino (Random House, ISBN: 978-0-307-92999-0).

On Saturday 16 June 2012 during Great Encounters between 6:06pm and 7:00pm on Radio New Zealand National, you can hear a repeat broadcast of Kim Hill’s interview from 9 June with David Skilling.

Preview: Saturday 23 June
Kim’s guests will include Ian Athfield and AA Gill.

Producer: Mark Cubey
Associate producer: Charlotte Graham
Wellington engineer: Lianne Smith
Auckland engineer: Jeremy Ansell

More information follows on Saturday's guests, repeats of previous interviews, next week's programme, and this email list. As this is live radio, guests and times may change on the day.
