Publicist Sarah Thornton launches website is the newly-launched website of publicist Sarah Thornton who left her Random House role as publicity manager at the end of 2010. Sarah has worked in the UK as well as here in publicity roles for almost 20 years.
Believe it or not, Sarah found it extremely hard to write material for her website. “You want to be warm and personal, but also cool and objective. And you must not appear to skite!” Sarah achieves this with ease, even having a dig at her own ambitions to be a librarian in the process.

She also lets her work speak for itself, with a collection of media releases she has written on the site to let prospective clients make their own assessments. However, the roll call of book campaigns for authors she has worked with – Dame Fiona Kidman, Louise Nicholas and Richard Dawkins – should leave no one in doubt about her capabilities.
Fittingly, Sarah does have one celebrity endorsement up front: Jo Seagar says Sarah is a real whiz when it comes to PR, communications and networking. She is smart, professional and savvy; one of the best in the biz.

Sarah Thornton

Thornton Communications Ltd
PO Box 31954, Milford, Auckland 0741
T: 09 410 0093  F: 09 410 0092  M: 021 753 744
