Poetry tonight at the Adam Gallery, Wellington

Wednesday 13 June 2012 - 6pm

// Passages: Reading around the Transit
Join us for this special event. A panel discussion with readings. German and New Zealand poets respond to the Transit of Venus 2012 celebrations at Tolaga Bay, exploring the process of writing about this extraordinary astronomical phenomenon. Co-organised by the Goethe Institut, New Zealand, with funding from the German Federal Foreign Office.
The poets are Hinemoana Baker, Glenn Colquhoun, Chris Price, Uwe Kolbe, Brigitte Oleschinski, and Ulrike Almut Sandig.
Chair Bill Manhire.

For the second part of this reciprocal exchange, the German and New Zealand poets will meet again in October in Frankfurt am Main and Berlin, working together in a translation workshop organised by Literaturwerkstatt, and presenting the results at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2012.

Free entry.
Seating is limited so please arrive early to avoid disappointment.

This event is part of the public programme for the exhibition Dark Sky 1 May - 8 July 2012.
For more details please visit www.adamartgallery.org.nz
