News from Publishing Perspectives:

How Zahra’s Paradise, a graphic novel about a protester who goes missing during the Iranian demonstrations of 2009, turned into a surprise global bestseller. 

Pamphleteering, propaganda and agit-prop have long been a part of the publishing process. It's here to stay. But how far should publishers go in their activism? 
"[W]hile everyone won’t be successful, everyone will have the opportunity to be successful," says Author Solutions' Keith Ogorek of emerging self-publishers. Read more »

Some claim that the DIY e-book boom is over-hyped, over-leveraged and likely to soon pop. Not so: it's just business as usual. 

Neal Pollack's cold war thriller "Almost Armageddon" about a plot to assassinate Mikhail Gorbachev leads this month's top self-published reviews from BlueInk. 
