List of New Zealand authors going to Germany 2012
All the New Zealand writers featuring their work in Germany this year are promoting a work in German translation and/or participating as invited authors in a range of German festivals and events or special Guest of Honour cultural exchanges and projects.
Tusiata Avia
Event: Pacific Performance Poets
Hinemoana Baker
Event: Transit of Venus Poetry Exchange
Martin Baynton
Event: Storydrive
Bernard Beckett
Event: The White Raven Festival
James Belich
Event: Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin
Alix Bosco (Greg McGee)
Book: Cut and Run/Nichts Wie Weg
Greg Broadmore
Event: Storydrive; Comics Zone
Al Brown
Event: New Zealand is Cooking
Helen Brown
Book: Cats and Daughters/Kater mit Karma
Event: Reading tour
Kate Camp
Creative New Zealand Writer in Residence, Berlin; public tape art & poetry
installation Frankfurt
Eleanor Catton
Books: The Rehearsal and the 2013 release of The Luminaries
Event: Literaturhaus Bonn
Hamish Clayton
Event: Weltkulturen Writers' Residency; Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin
Paul Cleave
Books: 1) The Laughterhouse/Im Haus des Todes 2) Die Totensammler
Event: Mord am Hellweg Festival
Glenn Colquhoun
Event: Transit of Venus Poetry Exchange;
Michael Cooper
Event: New Zealand is Cooking
Joy Cowley
Book: Schlange und Eidechs
Event: Reading tour
Kate De Goldi
Book: abends um 10
Event: Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin; Habourfront Festival, Hamburg
Tui De Roy
Event: Gesellschaft Deutscher Tierfotografen
Alan Duff
Events: Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin; Bad Berleburger
Literaturpflaster; Literaturtage Zofingen, LitCam
Cathie Dunsford
Book: Kaitiakitanga Pasifika
Event: Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin
Barbara Ewing
Event: Bad Berleburger Literaturpflaster
Brian Falkner
Book: The Tomorrow Code/Der Tomorrow Code
Patricia Grace
Book: Potiki
Peter Gordon
Event: New Zealand is Cooking
Joe Harawira:
Event: Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin
Aroha Harris
Book: Hikoi:Fot
Bronwyn Hayward
Event: Litcam
Dylan Horrocks
Book: Hicksville
Event: Comics Zone
Witi Ihimaera
Event: Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin, Literaturhaus Bonn
Lloyd Jones
Book: Hand Me Down World / Die Frau Im blauen Mantel
Event: Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin
Jan Kemp
Book: Dante's Heaven / Dantes Himmel
Event: Bad Berleburger Literaturpflaster
Annabel Langbein
Book: The Free Range Cook / Natürlich kochen!
Event: New Zealand is Cooking
Roger Langridge
Books: Die Muppet Show: 1) Familientreffen 2) Auf Tour 3) Gruselgewusel
Anthony McCarten
Books: 1) In the Absence of Heroes/ Ganz normale Helden 2) Spinners/Liebe
am Ende der Welt 3) The English Harem / Englischeer Harem
Event: Harbourfront Festival, Hamburg
Ole Maiava
Event: Pacific Performance Poets
Tina Makereti
Event: Weltkulturen Writers' Residency
Bill Manhire
Book: Some Other Country / Ein anderes Land
Event: Transit of Venus Poetry Exchange
Courtney Meredith
Event: Pacific Performance Poets
Paula Morris
Book: Rangatira
Event: Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin
Carl Nixon
Book: Rocking Horse Road
Event: Literaturhaus Bonn
Robert Oliver
Event: New Zealand is Cooking
Linda Olsson
Books: 1) The Kindness of Your Nature/Die Fremde am Meer 2) Die Nacht
tragt deinen Namen
Justin Paton
Book: How to Look at a Painting / Machen Sie sich doch selbst ein Bild!
Event: Literaturtage Zofingen
Emily Perkins
Book: 1) Novel About my Wife/Roman uber meine Frau 2) The Forrests/Die
Forrests: Roman einer Famillie
Chris Price
Event: Transit of Venus Poetry Exchange
Sarah Quigley
Book: The Conductor / Der Dirigent
Event: The Conductor: a reading to music by Sarah Quigley
Paddy Richardson
Books: 1) Der Frauenfänger 2) Komm, spiel mit mir
Event: Mord am Hellweg Festival
Catherine Robertson
Book: The Sweet Second Life of Darrell Kincaid/Wo Bleibt Denn Nun Mein
Happy End?
Charles Royal
Event: New Zealand is Cooking
Anne Salmond
Event: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin and Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg
Nalini Singh
Engelskriege, Gilde Der Jäger Band
Wilde Glut
Lockruf des Verlangens
Nächte voller Sinnlichkeit
Höllische Versuchung
Magische Verführung
Gilde der Jäger 3: Engelsblut
Event: Reading tour
Mark Staufer
Event: Story Drive
CK Stead
Book: My Name was Judas/ Mein Name war Judas
Event: Reading tour
Robert Sullivan
Book: Star Waka
Paul Tapsell
Event: Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg
Chad Taylor
Book: Lugenspiele
Richard Taylor
Event: keynote speaker at Storydrive
Philip Temple
Book: To Each His Own/ Jedem das Seine
Peter Walker
Book: The Fox Boy
Event: Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin; Literaturwerkstatt Berlin
Colin Wilson
Book: The Losers 05/Endspiel