HuffPost, June 20, 2012

According to the publishers' website, "A Hologram For The King", to be published on June 19th by Eggers' own San Francisco-based company McSweeney's, takes place in a Saudi Arabian city where "a struggling businessman pursues a last-ditch attempt to stave off foreclosure, pay his daughter’s college tuition, and finally do something great."
Eggers told literary website The Rumpus:
My brother-in-law had just been to Saudi Arabia with his company, and he told me about these cities that King Abdullah is trying to construct from scratch, these centers of education and manufacturing and other catalysts for a post-oil economy. I was fascinated by the idea of American businesspeople coming to these nascent cities in the desert, trying to get in on the ground floor. That was the start of it at least.Though details of the story have been under wraps until recently, what now seems to have been an excerpt, or an early draft, of the story appeared in an issue of McSweeney's magazine in August last year, with the title "Chapter One."

"Writing is a deep-sea dive. You need hours just to get into it: down, down, down. If you're called back to the surface every couple of minutes by an email, you can't ever get back down. I have a great friend who became a Twitterer and he says he hasn't written anything for a year," he said.
Click here to see which classic tale Dave Eggers says "I want to urge you with all my being" to read.