Because Vacation isn't over yet...

                                                  Book Lovers' Buffet Vacation Getaway

Okay, if you liked the Beach Book Blast with 16 authors how much more could you like the Book Lovers' Buffet with 120. Seriously! Here at BBB we want you to have all the books you could ever read and love. Some of us romance writers are part of a bigger group that organized a sale across all of the major vendors. Yep, that means that if you are a Nook reader or have any kind of e-reader really, you can pick up almost all of the romances in any of the genres (including YA and Erotica) you want. There are more than 150 books on sale! Some of the authors from BBB that are participating are Dana Delamar, Kristine Cayne, Alicia and Roy Street, and myself, L.C. Giroux. Click the link above to go to the page with all the books. While you are there don't miss the giveaways for jewelry, book accessories, and gift cards so you can get... More books! Yeah, we're enablers that way!
