Read This If You Are Thinking Of Self-Publishing
Blogger and inide-author Jeff Bennington writes:
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You have to face the stark reality that you're not famous, you don't have a cult following, and you're not a New York Times bestseller, yet. One of the biggest obstacles for indie and small press authors to overcome is finding readers. You may have a great book cover, and your prose may be razor sharp, but lets face it, you are one in a million. Hundreds of thousands of books are published every year, and as a new/newer author, it's not likely that readers will search your name or title. Sigh. Depressing isn't it? Well, it can be, if you're subject to resignation. But if you are the type of person who sees an obstacle as an opportunity, you may have what it takes to climb out of the literary abyss and into the public arena. The problem with publishing is that unless you have a platform, or a method to reach out to readers, you are like a grain of sand on the beach. People will walk on you all day long, but never know you're there. If you publish on Amazon, your book is thrown into the ocean of ebooks and will splash around until readers start buying. When they purchase your book, it'll stay close to shore where other readers can see it. But if you don't plan for a beach party upon publication, your book will drift off to sea and eventually end up in the south pacific, stranded on a lifeless island.And that is precisely why indie authors should give serious thought to submitting their work to ACHUKAbooks. If we select your title, we will do all the promotion and brand-building on your behalf.
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