Burnside wins T S Eliot Prize

John Burnside's Black Cat Bone (Jonathan Cape) has won the 2011 T S Eliot Prize for Poetry, worth £15,000.
Chair of the judges Gillian Clarke said: "Amongst an unprecedentedly strong and unusually well-received shortlist, John Burnside's Black Cat Bone is a haunting book of great beauty, powered by love, childhood memory, human longing and loneliness." The judges felt it was an "outstanding" collection which "grew with every reading", she added.
Siôn Hamilton, manager of Foyles Charing Cross Road, described the title as "an elegant collection of poems that greatly reward[s] re-reading".
Burnside beat shortlisted poets Carol Ann Duffy, Leontia Flynn, David Harsent, Esther Morgan, Daljit Nagra, Sean O'Brien and Bernard O'Donoghue to take this year's prize.
However Alice Oswald and John Kinsella withdrew from the shortlist in December, citing ethical concerns with the award's new sponsor Aurum Funds.
