News from The Creative Hub - Auckland's Waterfront Writing Centre

View from our teaching rooms
Creative Hub Director, John Cranna
"A word after a word after a word is power."
- Margaret Atwood (novelist, poet, essayist)
Xmas greetings
What is it about the sea? Over the summer, we keep the doors open in our waterfront writing rooms, so you can hear the waves gently lapping nearby.
Once the frenetic period of Xmas is over, what better way to unwind and express yourself, than to place – as Margaret Atwood says – one word after another, after another? You might drag out that journal, or finish off a short story you've been working on, or resurrect that old travel diary and whip it into shape. Writers live life three times – once in the living, twice in the writing, and thrice in the subsequent reading of their work.
Summer School - Plunge into Fiction! 10am - 4pm, Friday 13 January to Sunday 15 January 2012
Immerse yourself in this stimulating 3-day course of fiction writing. You will learn how to transform your life stories into fiction, and hear about fiction techniques such as choosing the right point of view, when to use 'show not tell', writing great dialogue and the magic of narrative voice. An inspiring introduction into the world of writing fiction, tutored by Hub Director John Cranna.
Travel Writing & Photography Course, starts 7 February 2012, 6-8 pm, 8 weeks
Explore the world, then come home and write about it. This course offers insights into what travel page editors are looking for in text and images. Tutored by Yvonne van Dongen who is one of New Zealand's most respected travel writers and editors. She'll be working with award-winning photographer Greta Anderson, who will run two entertaining beyond-the-classroom workshops in Auckland city.
Introduction to Creative Writing Course, starts 1 March 2012, 6-8pm, 8 weeks
This course is intended to introduce you to some of the basic skills and techniques that can make writing so enjoyable. You might already keep a journal, or have written some poetry or short stories, but would like to find out about some of the tools professional writers use to make their work publishable. If so, then this is the course for you.
Advanced Fiction Course, starts 14 March 2012, 6-9pm, 2 x 15-week semesters, Michael King Writers Centre, Devonport
Full-length works of fiction usually take several years to complete, and this course is designed to assist writers who want to take the first draft of a manuscript or work-in-progress to a higher level. We offer a creative, collegial environment in which to hone and develop your writing. In workshops and tutorials you will be encouraged to develop your distinctive writing voice, extend your characters and explore story structure. Weekly two-three-hour sessions are chaired by author and facilitator John Cranna, and a number of leading NZ writers conduct craft workshops on the course.
The Art & Craft of Memoir Course, starts 27 March 2012, 6-8.30pm, 8 weeks
If you have ever been tempted by the idea of writing your memoir or life story, but not known where or how to begin, this course will provide you with the confidence and skills to help you access your creativity and writing talent. Tutored by experienced memoirist Deborah Shepard
Children's and YA Fiction Writing, starts 26 April 2012, 6-8pm, 8 weeks
Writing for children is all about writing in a simple, fresh, vivid style. Award winning tutor Janice Marriott will offer you techniques to feed your imagination and release your creative powers. Each session will provide a particular craft focus and also offer opportunities for students to share work written during the course. Janice will help you find original ideas for stories, and participants will have input into which topics you would most like to cover in-depth during the course.
Writing thought for the month ...
Do you need to take risks to write good fiction? Do you really have to kill off that lovely character you're so fond of? Possibly yes. The best books are ones which have gone that step or three further and taken a risk of some kind. Here are a few examples:
Trainspotting. Mister Pip. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Life of Pi. Jane Eyre, even, with the mad wife in the attic. And remember, when you're writing, that your first idea may not always be the best one. Allow room for that extra something to take place. Take a deep breath and create a character you hate, or a setting that gives you nightmares. Be daring. Be bold.
Teaching Rooms on the waterfront, Voyager Maritime Museum, Princes Wharf, Auckland
PO Box 68 090, Newton, Auckland 1145
Phone 09 379 2669
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