By Jason Boog on Galley Cat, December 18, 2012
Once you find an agent you would like to represent your book, the pitch letter is the next step in the traditional publishing process.
Below, we’ve collected 23 different agent pitch letters that actually worked in a variety of genres. We’ve gathered these samples from agency websites, agent blogs and the AgentQuery forums. No matter what kind of novel you have written, they can help you craft a better query letter.
Here’s more from AgentQuery: “A query letter is a single page cover letter, introducing you and your book. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less … A query letter has three concise paragraphs: the hook, the mini-synopsis, and your writer’s biography. Don’t stray from this format. You won’t catch an agent’s attention by inventing a creative new query format. You’ll just alienate your chances of being taken seriously as a professional writer. A query letter is meant to elicit an invitation to send sample chapters or even the whole manuscript to the agent.”
23 Agent Query Letters That Actually Worked
4. Fantasy
11. Mystery Novel
13. Romance Novel
15. Science Fiction
16. Steampunk Novel
17. Thriller Novel
19. Women’s Fiction
21. YA Fantasy