Publishing Perspectives

Thank you to all our readers and supporters who have helped to make Publishing Perspectives a great success in 2012.
Below are some of our favorite and most popular articles from 2012. See the full top ten list here.
In a revealing interview, Waterstones MD James Daunt discusses why Amazon worries him so much, his admiration for Barnes & Noble and the Nook, and much more.
After analyzing 5,750,000 books on Goodreads, Otis Chandler shares his insights on the evolving nature of book discovery. The short version: once isn't enough.
From Scholastic CEO Dick Robinson's keynote to engaging young readers through technology, PP's inaugural children's publishing conference offered a wide range of insight.
Every year, the conversations in Frankfurt lead to a set of new buzzwords that you'll likely hear over and over until next year's Fair. Here are the ten that we discovered this year.
Overlooked in the much of the discussion of the Penguin–Random House merger is just how important emerging markets like Latin America, China and India are to the deal.
