By on Flavorpill,
If you’re a reader, you understand. For the holidays, all you want is a stack of books, so sometimes it can be hard to figure out what to get for your less literary-minded loved ones. Well, you can still give them books. But you have to choose carefully. Just as we did last year, this holiday season we’ve put together a helpful guide of new books that even your most prose-averse friends will love — whether they admit it to you or not. Click through to check out the gift guide, and let us know what you’re giving the nonreaders on your list in the comments.

Fairy Tales From the Brothers Grimm, Philip Pullman
Come on — everybody likes fairy tales. And even the staunchest nonreaders among us know them. We guarantee that if you get them to give this stellar new edition a chance, it will eat them whole. In a few weeks they might be asking to borrow your copy of The Golden Compass, which is another gift all in itself.
Full list at Flavorpill
Fairy Tales From the Brothers Grimm, Philip Pullman
Come on — everybody likes fairy tales. And even the staunchest nonreaders among us know them. We guarantee that if you get them to give this stellar new edition a chance, it will eat them whole. In a few weeks they might be asking to borrow your copy of The Golden Compass, which is another gift all in itself.
Full list at Flavorpill