Sargeson Memorial Lecture: The Bad Difficult Years

The 10th Annual Frank Sargeson Memorial Lecture

Poet and independent scholar John Newton presents the tenth annual Frank Sargeson Memorial lecture at the University of Waikato on Thursday. The lecture – The bad difficult years: Sargeson’s Post-War Reconstruction – focuses on Sargeson’s evolution as a writer – how and why his writing changed after the Second World War.

John Newton says, “The author of the classic early stories is almost unrecognisable in his later fiction, and I’ll be trying to make sense of this curious evolution.”

Dr Sarah Shieff, the editor of Letters of Frank Sargesonand the organiser of the lecture series, says this year’s lecture will shed new light on Sargeson’s career, and on a whole era of New Zealand’s literary history.
Sargeson (above photo by John Reece Cole) was a mentor to many writers and each year the Buddle Findlay Sargeson literary fellowship is offered in partnership with the Frank Sargeson Trust.  Previous fellows have included winners in the book awards earlier this month: Paula Morris, Sue Orr and Sarah Quigley. Applications for 2013, the 110th anniversary of the writer’s birth, open next month.

The Bad Difficult Years, John Newton
Date: Thursday 16 August 2012
Time: Lecture begins at 5.30pm. Light refreshments from 6.30pm.
Venue: S.G.01, University of Waikato
Parking Gate 1, off Knighton Road, Hamilton
RSVP Please RSVP to Hannah Wright by Monday 13 August
   or call (07) 838 4922
