Virginia Quarterly Review

The Lifespan of a Fact by John D'Agata

Fact & Fiction

In our Summer 2012 issue, Michael Dirda reviews The Lifespan of a Fact. He writes, "If a work is presented as nonfiction, must it be true? Or can it be kind of true, or just simply true to the subject as a whole even if not nit-pickingly correct?" Read more of his excellent essay at our site.
Mount Metamora Castle and Cross

The Jesus Portal in Metamora, Indiana

Last week, our blog featured a personal essay by a Cincinnati filmmaker who is following the story of Paul, a man who claims that he has sacred relic stones that open up a portal for the second coming of Jesus. Click here to read the story and watch the film trailer.
Three-Year Subscription

10% Off Three-Year Subscriptions

If you subscribe or renew to VQR for a three-year term between August 11-14, you'll get 10% off the price. Because our 3-year subs are already discounted 25%, you'll be receiving 35% off the annual rate. Click here to get the special rate.

VQR Summer 2012: Burma Exhales

New social media presence

We're now active on the following social networking sites, where we share links & favorite reads from many sources, plus news from VQR:
