Publishing Perspectives

In Germany e-books represent just 5.4% of book revenue, but the segment is growing and should get a boost from the country's first e-book bestseller lists. Read more »
Publishing Perspectives' print edition for the the London Book Fair is almost closed. Want coverage or an ad? Here's your last chance and how to get in touch. 
David Krell (left)wanted to write a book about the Brooklyn Dodgers, but had no platform. Defying conventional publishing wisdom, he wrote it anyway. Here's how. Read more »
Conventional wisdom says that first you build a platform and then you write a book. But what if you want to do it the other way around? Is one way best? 
At the Abu Dhabi Book Fair, Emirati YA novelist Noura Noman and German children’s book writer Kirsten Boie spoke about the world of Emirati children’s literature.
