SINS OF THE FATHER: The untold story behind Schapelle Corby's ill-fated drug run by EAMONN DUFF.
Sins of the Father: The Untold Story Behind Schapelle Corby's Ill-Fated Drug Run uncovers Mick Corby's shady past and directly connects Schapelle to to a marijuana syndicate.
It also reveals the man who supplied the marijuana to Mick Corby for transportation to Bali, and documents the marijuana's journey from Adelaide to the Gold Coast, naming the person who delivered it.
The author says the book was produced with the help of former friends and associates of Mick Corby, politicians, police, airline staff and underworld drug syndicate figures.
Having read the 402 page book over the past few days I can tell you it is a fine piece of readable, detailed investigative journalism that had me rivited from beginning to end. And I know a lot more about marijuana and its production than I did before!
Interestingly there was a time during the time since Schapelle Corby was arrested that almost 90% of Australians believed she was innocent, the most recent polls show this figure is now below 20%.
Read my earlier reports here and here.
And please note I am not accepting anonymous comments on this subject!
Annie started reading the book on Sunday morning and I hardly heard a peep out of her all day!