Liebster Awards for Fab Blogs Under 200 Followers Go To...

The Liebster Blog Award was given to me by the awesome Beth Fred, whose blog is magical and has purple sparkles that follow you everywhere you put your cursor! Check it out here.

This award spotlights bloggers who have less than 300 followers (like me, so far). As recipients pay it forward, Liebster love keeps growing. Recipients are also asked to share their 5 top picks, then include the following in their blog:

1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who awarded you.

2. Reveal your top 5 picks & let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

3. Copy & paste the award on your blog. (see award image above!)

4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers.

5. And most of all—have bloggity-blog fun!

Lots of my picks are indie authors to watch. So, here goes:

1. Arthur Slade, a well-published kids' fantasy author, who is turning all of his out of print books into indie gold! Learn how here.

2. Christine Murray, a journalist and author of urban fantasy, who lives in Dublin. Her blog is always thoughtful.

3. Katie Klein, successful indie author of YA fantasy, tells it like it is about her publishing experience. Worth a look!

4. Jenny Phresh's Party Pony blog. OMG, she is the funniest writer alive. I'm not kidding!

5. Angela Carlie, a middle grade & YA author of fantasy. Check her blog here. She's a member of the indie collective, DarkSide Publishing, a very impressive group. And her novel, Land of Corn Chips has the best title and cover everrrrr.
