Bridget Williams Books off to a flyer in 2013

BWB  is about to release their first of a hundred e-books, and their new website goes live later this week.  The latest, quite superb BWB catalogue arrived in my mail this morning and it is clearly going to be an interesting year for them, and us, in 2013.
Tom Rennie and Neil Pardington (Base Two) are behind the new website, and Neil’s brilliant work also features in the cover designs for new books - and e-books.
First up for 2013 is Claudia Orange’s The Story of a Treaty, a long-awaited second edition published in time for Waitangi Day. The two May titles are Inequality, a New Zealand crisis – and what we can do about it edited by Max Rashbrooke and Rod Edmond’s Migrations. In October, the weighty and long-awaited Tangata Whenua, an Illustrated History by Atholl Anderson, Judith Binney and Aroha Harris will be launched at the Auckland Museum. BWB are planning events around the country - watch this space.
I must say it is a truly impressive list, one that I reckon any university press anywhere in the world would be proud to claim. Well done BWB, and all best for a restful holiday with a great year to follow.
