Don Donovan's World - Whitebaiters' Bach*, Anatori River

Ramblings of a much published New Zealand author

06 September 2012

Leaves From My Sketchbooks. 18. Whitebaiters' Bach*, Anatori River

The Anatori River is just about as remote as you can get in New Zealand's South Island. It's near where the road ends on the north-west coast. The river is an abundant provider of the delicacy that lures fishers almost as much as gold seduces prospectors - whitebait. This board-and-batten shed with its corrugated iron roof is typical of whitebaiters' homes-from-home.

As I sketched this one I remembered visiting the Anatori years earlier with a doctor friend, trying out his new Rover 2000. We caught enough whitebait in half an hour to make fourteen fritters; I ate three, he ate the rest!

*For those who don't know: a 'bach' is a hut or cottage, often a weekender. It's pronounced 'batch' and I think the word comes from bachelor.

