President Obama Is a Small Business Saturday Guy

Pro-business, pro-books.
President Obama followed the advice of Joe Fox ("F-O-X") and stopped by Arlington, Virginia's One More Page Books to stock up on reading material today. The visit was part of the White House's support of Small Business Saturday (because a First Family appearance at Black Friday would almost certainly end in some severe crowd-control problems. 
Obama, who was accompanied by daughters Sasha and Malia, reportedly made his purchases based on a list he carried on his Blackberry, which apparently expedited the trip: he bought 15 books in 20 minutes. "Preparation, you know, that’s how I shop," he told store owner Eileen McGervey. "Michelle, she can go wandering around." But when a clever reporter asked whether the buying spree was part of "an effort to keep the United States from going over the looming fiscal cliff," Obama responded, "Come on, we’re doing Christmas shopping. Happy Thanksgiving, folks." 
In other words: save your questions about the budget for Cyber Monday.
