‘The Divine Muses IX’

A night of poetry readings for National Poetry Day, featuring Riemke Ensing,
Sue Fitchett, Siobhan Harvey, John Pule, Harry Ricketts, Iain Sharp.
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Friday 27 July, 6.30pm

The Gus Fisher Gallery, 74 Shortland Street, Auckland.

‘The Divine Muses’ was founded by Siobhan Harvey in 2004 to coincide with National Poetry Day. The evening provides and opportunity to hear leading New Zealand poets read their own poetry. Harvey says when she, “began the Divine Muses, there were very few National Poetry Day events happening in Auckland. I wanted to create an event which would involve the widest possible number of fabulous New Zealandpoets we have and showcase them to an interested audience in our largest city. I have evolved the Divine Muses as a revolving ensemble like a theatre troupe. In total there have been around 20 "muses" involved over the 9 years of the performances. Essentially the idea has broadened to embrace and keep giving an outlet to high profile, established and new poets.”

At this year’s Divine Muses event there will also be the announcement of a new poetry competition. The Auckland University Press & The Divine Muses Poetry Reading - 2012 Emerging Poets Poetry Competition. Open to BA, Honours and Masters students attending the University of Auckland. Entries have closed and the inaugural winners will be announced in August by competition judge, Anna Hodge, Senior editor, Auckland University Press. 
First prize - $125 worth of Auckland University books, second prize $75 worth.
Christine O’Brien, Sales and Marketing Manager for Auckland University Press, says they are delighted to support this competition. She notes, “At the significant times of their lives, people naturally turn to poetry. Reading poetry or hearing it performed opens our eyes to the world around us. Writing poetry is a great way to introduce people to creative writing and self-expression. National Poetry Day opens out to all of us the possibilities of language; how to play with ideas and performance and to connect with other people.”

Come along and enjoy an evening of poetry; you will also have an opportunity to view the wonderful exhibition Vincent Ward: Inhale. 
The event is free.
