PUBLIC HISTORY TALK on Wednesday 4 July at 12.15pm :

Reading Between the Lines: Wi Tako Ngatata’s letter to Waikato
by Honiana Love, Te Ātiawa, Taranaki, Ngā Ruahinerangi.

In this talk, Honiana discusses the difficulties of using translations of historical Māori letters through the examination of two very different contemporary interpretations of a letter written in 1860 by Wi Tako Ngatata to the Kingitanga.
Honiana has extensive experience working in the areas of archives, libraries and historical research. She is passionate about the care, preservation and protection of taonga and has been working on the digital archiving project and the information management work steam at Te Reo o Taranaki Trust.
Venue: Ministry for Culture and Heritage, Maui seminar room, Level 4, ASB House, 101 The Terrace, Wellington.
Time: Lunchtime seminars commence at 12.15pm and are for approximately one hour. 
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