Call for Entries: Landfall Essay Competition

Landfall is currently soliciting entries for the Landfall Essay Competition!

The purpose of the competition is to encourage New Zealand writers to think aloud about New Zealand culture, and to revive and sustain the tradition of vivid, contentious and creative essay writing in this country – as embodied in the non-fiction of early Landfall contributors such as Bill Pearson, in the essays of past winners of this competition, and in the essays the journal continues to publish.

The closing date for receipt of entries is 5 pm 31 July 2012. The winning entry/ies will be published in the November 2012 issue of Landfall.

The winner will also receive $3000 and a year’s subscription to Landfall.

Essays will be fully developed, independent works and will be no more than 6000 words long.
Essays will be on a topic of the author's choosing.
Essays will not have been published elsewhere.
Writers will be New Zealand citizens or permanent New Zealand residents.
How to Enter
Essays can be posted or emailed.

Posted entries should include the essay on CD with text saved as RTF, MS Word or text-only files. Two hard copies of the essay are also required. Your name should NOT appear on the essay itself. Please include a separate cover letter with your name, address, email and telephone number.

Emailed entries need to include the essay as a word doc, RTF file or text-only file and a separate cover letter with your name, address, email and phone number. Your name should NOT appear on the essay itself.

Entries should be addressed to: Landfall Essay Competition, Otago University Press, PO Box 56, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand, or couriered to Landfall Essay Competition, Otago University Press, level 1, 398 Cumberland St, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand. Emailed entries should be sent to with Landfall Essay Competition in the subject line.

Submissions will not be returned.
