Unleash Your Inner-Poet – Take Part in National Poetry Day 2012

Friday 27 July marks National Poetry Day 2012 and we are seeking interest from poetry-loving Kiwis around the country interested in holding an event.
National Poetry Day is one of the most anticipated events on the arts calendar, with an eclectic range on offer, from rap artists to performance poets and poetry on pavements.

National Poetry Day coordinator, Siobhan Harvey says she is hoping for even more exciting poetry events in 2012.

“Every year we have a small amount of funding to help support community-based events – it could be anything from poetry slams and open-mike nights, to formal readings and showcases. The more diverse and accessible the better.” 
Ms Harvey comments that National Poetry Day isn’t just for established poets, it’s for people who simply want to give poetry a go. “If you harbour a desire to perform a piece of your own, this is the day to throw caution to the wind.”

Each year National Poetry Day grows in size and scope. There is an emphasis on large-scale and community events, such as last year’s successful Poetry Art Walk collaboration between Jane Sanders ART Agent, Auckland's Unity Bookstore, Anna Miles Gallery and others in Central Auckland, which galvanised the local community.
Ms Harvey suggests the reason for Poetry Day’s increasing popularity is because the genre fits well with our busy lives.
“Poetry can be read in short bursts. It is a very modern medium - perfectly suited to our need to access things in shorter spaces of time.”

For a funding application or to express interest in holding an event, contact Siobhan Harvey siobhanhrvy@gmail.com  
Applications close on Friday June 1st, June 2012. 
