By Jason Boog on Galley Cat, May 17, 2012
If your bookstore has an option for self-published authors, share a link in the comments section–we will update our article with more resources. Watermark Books and Cafe owner Sarah Bagby explained how self-published writers can add books at her Wichita, Kansas bookstore. Check it out:
“No questions asked, we’ll take five copies of a book on consignment,” said Bagby. The terms are 60/40, and the store keeps the books on the shelves for 90 days. “If they sell, we’ll get back to the author right away and reorder. If they don’t, the author needs to pick up their books.” … A second Watermark program offers tiered event options, which can cost from $50 to $500. Elements include a signing, newsletter inclusion, and front-of-store title placement, or a reading and signing, 100-postcard mailing to the author’s list, a four-color 11″ x 17″ poster hung in the store, and more. (Via Victoria Strauss)Bookstore Resources for Self-Published Authors
(Follow the links below for contact information)
How To Get Your Book in Barnes & Noble Stores: “Each year, we review more than 100,000 submissions from publishers of every size and background. Our buyers review publishers’ catalogues, marketing materials and galleys or sample copies to help them make their decisions.”
Tattered Cover Book Store’s Rocky Mountain Authors program: “Our consignment program is focused on authors and small local publishers.”
Carmichael’s Bookstore in Louisville, Kentucky. Owner Carol Besse provided more details: “We will take almost anything on consignment … We’ll put it on the shelf, and sell it in the stores. We usually start out with 10 copies.”
Lyon Books in Chico California. Here’s more: “the consignment policy is to ‘take all comers’ as long as the author lives within 60 miles of the store. Currently, that represents more than 200 local authors … Consignment checks are written every two months, and the post-holiday run was more than 100 checks, totaling about $14,000.”
Watermark Books and Cafe Owner Sarah Bagby explained: “No questions asked, we’ll take five copies of a book on consignment.”