Competition - two weeks to go
National Flash Fiction Day competition deadline is 1 June 2012. Send in your stories, up to 3 per writer, 300 words excluding title. The competition will be judged anonymously by Graeme Lay, Tina Shaw and Stephen Stratford. Details about the competition can be found on the NFFD website.
Established authors as well as newcomers to the genre are welcome to submit.
Winners will be notified in early June.
People are celebrating flash fiction around the country in June. So far, events include:
- International Writers’ Workshop flash competition
- Northland 24-hour writing event
- Tuesday Poem Flash Week, June 19
- Thames Writers Group flash workshop, 7 June, Working Mens Club, Main Street, Thames, back entrance
- Christchurch open mic event in in collaboration with Catalyst – watch their blog for updates
- Wellington Flash-fictioneers (contact Tim Jones for details senjmito[at]gmail[dot]com)
- Flash Frontier June Story-A-Day
Watch for more announcements as events near you get underway.
And contact us ( if you’d like to add your own NFFD event to the growing list of flash action.
If you are in Auckland on 22 June, please join us in the Auckland Central City Library at 5pm for a prize-giving celebration and an evening of readings and presentations. An evening for writers and readers alike. All are welcome.
In addition to the national prizes,there will be regional awards offered through the generous support of the branches of the New Zealand Society of Authors.
Get in touch
If your group would like to host a local activity in honour of National Flash Fiction Day, please let us know and we’ll be glad to publicise your event on our website and elsewhere.
NFFD website:
Sponsors & Support
We thank the Auckland Central City Library and New Zealand Society of Authors for support for this event, as well as Jason Books of Auckland, University Book Shopin Dunedin and Rona Gallery in Eastbourne.
We also thank Radio New Zealand’sArts on Sunday programme with Lynn Freeman which aired a discussion of flash fiction on Sunday, 6 May, and which will also invite the winners of the competition to read their stories on an upcoming radio programme.
National Flash Fiction Day 2012.
Because life is short. And so is some of the best fiction.