One Book, Light and Sweet
By JENNIFER MALONEY - Wall Street Journal
The Espresso Book Machine, an instant, on-demand printing press, had arrived in Brooklyn.
Photo left - Bryan Derballa for The Wall Street Journal
Brooklyn Public Library President Linda Johnson, right, and Bronwen Blaney, manager of retail services, with the Espresso Book Machine.(Bryan Derballa for The Wall Street Journal)
In a borough of writers and immigrants, the book machine, which launches on Wednesday, offers what the library's holdings can't: titles in any language and a chance to publish your own.
"One of the jobs that we need to do is to better support the creative community," said Linda Johnson, the library's president and CEO. "What it means to be a great library is up in the air right now. I've always believed that reflecting the community that you serve is really how you be great."The Espresso Book Machine 2.0 is about 5 feet tall and 7 feet wide. It smells of glue, hums like a copy machine and can print a book in as little as four minutes.
Ms. Johnson said that when she began exploring the acquisition of a book machine last year, she was quoted a price of $125,000—a financial risk the library couldn't take on. The manufacturer agreed to install it at no cost and to operate the machine with its own staff.
Full story here.