I will continue to handle the following type of publications:-
All New Zealand , Maori &Pacific publications:-
Non Fiction, History, Biography, Fiction, Poetry, Family Histories; Some DVDs; Difficult to source titles.
And in the New Zealand , Maori & Pacific Art area…..
Biennale catalogues that include NZ, Maori or Pacific artists
Australian exhibition catalogues (public galleries & dealer galleries) especially those that include New Zealand , Maori or Pacific artists
All NZ, Maori & Pacific art books that I can possibly find: large and tiny (public galleries, dealer galleries, periodicals, small presses, limited editions, specialist publishers, private publishers).
The difference will be that we won’t carry stock. We will source information and create lists and will supply to order. (That is apart from actual standing orders).
I am so pleased that we are to continue supporting publishers, large and small.
And a final recipe from us as Parsons Bookshop Auckland:-
Beat with an egg beater 1 Cup Milk & 2 Eggs
Stir in with a fork, 2 Handfuls of Grated Cheese (I use verylarge handfuls)
Add 1 Cup of Flour & 3 Teaspoons of Baking Powder & a Pinch of Salt; all sifted together
Bake at 425 degrees in patty pans that have been greased and floured (though I don’t flour)
Do NOT overcook.
[Today I made tiny and large ones: the tiny ones needed a maximum of only 10 minutes – 8 minutes might have been better; the large ones 20 minutes at the most?
I sliced the tiny ones open slightly and added a dollop of Spreadable Philadelphia Cream Cheese and the tiniest slivers of Gherkin. They looked pretty and were moist bite-sized morsels].
With kind regards to all, H.
Parsons Library Supply, The Alpine Shed, 10 Glade Lane , Birkenhead Point, Auckland 0626, New Zealand
Phone +649 419 0552 Mobile 021 248 3869
books@parsons.co.nz http://twitter.com/ParsonsBookshop http://www.facebook.com/ParsonsBookshop
Photo above - Helen & Roger Parsons - closing the shop after 35 years - a real loss to the Auckland cultural scene.
Photo above - Helen & Roger Parsons - closing the shop after 35 years - a real loss to the Auckland cultural scene.