Publishing Perspectives

There's a lot of chat going on about how startups can drive publishing innovation, but publishers need to learn the right way to do connect. Here are 5 tips.
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We're years into the digital revolution, but the cultures between publishing and startups remain far apart. What's been your experience working with startups?
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On October 18, The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank will be published as an authorized, interactive app by Viking, Penguin, and TradeMobile.
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The coming decision from the Department of Justice could mean cheaper e-books for consumers in the USA, which is likely a problem for Barnes & Noble.
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Digital first publisher Le French Book is translating bestselling French crime and genre titles in an attempt to cash in on an underserved audience.
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From the Archives:
French publishing service provider Jouve is launching an Innovation Department which is expected to deliver more than 20% of the turnover of the company 3 years.
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