Publishing Perspectives

Digital first publisher Le French Book is translating bestselling French crime and genre titles in an attempt to cash in on an underserved audience.
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Publishers tend to gravitate toward cerebral books from countries with strong literary reputations, but there is a wealth of genre titles that have potential.
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Author Alan Goldsher has launched a new interactive online talk show called "Book It" that will allow participants to interact online with authors and celebrities.
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In South Africa 70% of the titles come from the US and Europe, so priority during Book Week is on promoting books and reading from South Africa's own.
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To Google content is a ready-made store of metadata and the Frommer's purchase, combined with Zagat last year, provides additional context for travel searches.
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From the Archives:
Interest in translations in France is booming, with the total number of books in translation making up 15.9% of all published titles, up 8.7% from 2010.
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