Publishing Perspectives

Silicon Valley tech analytics upstart CoverCake was created exclusively for the publishing industry to track the impact of social media on campaigns.
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Looking at Amazon sales rankings or Nielsen BookScan data might give you clues, but assessing the true impact of social media is much more elusive.
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Liu Cixin’s Three Body trilogy has sold 400,000 copies, making it the most popular SF series in China ever. Now a Chinese publisher is translating it to English.
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Can a sequel be as good as the original? Publishing Perspectives' group read of William Shakespeare, The Play’s The Thing, moves on to Henry IV, Part Two.
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Author Jay Wexler on how he was tempted to self-publish his new book of stories, but still opted for a traditional, if unconventional and tiny, publisher.
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From the Archives:
The relationships between entrepreneurs and venture capitalists and authors and publishers are more similar than you might think.
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